Food waste is one of the biggest problems of today's consumer society. That is why there is a growing call for recycling, even in the kitchen. For example, leftovers can be re-cooked to make a whole new dish. But did you know that it is also possible to recycle the peelings from your fruit and vegetables?
Test the beauty of peelings
Rich in nutrients, kitchen peelings can be real beauty assets. Just use them properly. You can indeed count on the recycling of peelings to take care of your face or your hair on a daily basis. No more need to use expensive beauty products. Did you use artichoke in your recipe of the day? Use the leaves to make a beauty mask. Simply mix them with a little honey. This mixture is perfect for oily skin. To fight acne, nothing could be easier. Simply rub your face with pineapple peel. Against dandruff, rely on the virtues of pomegranate.
Kitchen peels to maintain the house
Recycling peelings can also be a great help in the daily maintenance of your home. For example, you can reuse your banana peels to make your leather furniture shine. This tip also applies to leather shoes or jackets. After rubbing them, remove the fibres with a soft cloth. To fight against pests that invade the house, such as ants or insects, there's nothing like placing lemon peels where they usually go. Want to save on your heating? Why not use olive pits as pellets? These can be used both with a wood stove and with a chimney in order to increase the temperature.
The peelings to feed the plants in the garden
The peelings can also be used in the garden. In addition to being used to make homemade compost, you can also use some peelings to protect your garden from pests. For example, lemon peels and broccoli leaves can be used as insecticides. Spinach can be reused as fertilizer to feed the soil. The same goes for oyster shells and fish bones. Simply grind it and enrich the soil with it.